TPC LP2100-600LED Laguna Operatory Package w/ Cuspidor
TPC-LP2100-600LEDTPC LP2100-600LED Laguna Operatory Package w/ Cuspidor
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Asepsis 3 Handpiece automatic control with coolant controls, flex arm with air brake, diaphragm block design, wet/dry variable speed foot control, deluxe utility center with air /water filters and regulators, master shut off valves. Includes 3 way syringe and light post with cutout for internal wires and monitor bracket.
Features & Benefits:
Mirage Operatory Package WITH Electric Hpc Built In Motor System (#EMB901 $895) and Qty 1 High Speed Attachment (#EMA150FG $580)
for EMB901 Built In Motor
Additional Attachment 1:5 and Touch Pad Control
(total value: $1,000)
Mirage Operatory Package WITH Electric Hpc Counter Top Motor System (#EMC900 $950) and Qty 1 High Speed Attachment (#EMA150FG $580)
Additional Qty 1 High Speed Attachment (#EMA150FG $580) and Qty 1 Low Speed Contra Angle Attachment (#EMA110CA $520)
Mirage Operatory Package WITH Qty 2 Fiber Optic Handpieces (#LQ-666 Series $690) and Qty 2 Fiber Optic Quick Connectors (#FSK $240)
Fiber Optic System (#H7000 or #H7660) Factory Installed
and Additional Qty 1 Fiber Optic Handpiece (#LQ666 $585 total)
Mirage / Laguna Operatory Package w Mirage Assistant Stool
$300 ONLY to upgrade to "New" Luminous #L7601-LED Dental Light (manufactured by Faro)
(save: $285.00)
Mirage Doctor Stool with each Operatory
(value: $230.00)
Features & Benefits:
- Lucent LED post mounted light with adjustable intensity, 3,000-35,000 Lux.
- Porcelain cuspidor with timed bowl rinse and cup filler, telescoping 4 position assistant’s package, Hve and saliva ejector, water / air quick disconnects, solids collector and clean water system.
- LED Operatory Light Electromechnical
- 3 hpc. Automatic Delivery System w/ Cuspidor
Mirage Operatory Package WITH Electric Hpc Built In Motor System (#EMB901 $895) and Qty 1 High Speed Attachment (#EMA150FG $580)
for EMB901 Built In Motor
Additional Attachment 1:5 and Touch Pad Control
(total value: $1,000)
Mirage Operatory Package WITH Electric Hpc Counter Top Motor System (#EMC900 $950) and Qty 1 High Speed Attachment (#EMA150FG $580)
Additional Qty 1 High Speed Attachment (#EMA150FG $580) and Qty 1 Low Speed Contra Angle Attachment (#EMA110CA $520)
Mirage Operatory Package WITH Qty 2 Fiber Optic Handpieces (#LQ-666 Series $690) and Qty 2 Fiber Optic Quick Connectors (#FSK $240)
Fiber Optic System (#H7000 or #H7660) Factory Installed
and Additional Qty 1 Fiber Optic Handpiece (#LQ666 $585 total)
Mirage / Laguna Operatory Package w Mirage Assistant Stool
$300 ONLY to upgrade to "New" Luminous #L7601-LED Dental Light (manufactured by Faro)
(save: $285.00)
Mirage Doctor Stool with each Operatory
(value: $230.00)