Redland Dental K-files Endodontic stainless steel High Quality
Redland Dental K-files Endodontic stainless steel High Quality
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Our K-Files are used to enlarge canal after debridement with a reamer. After reamer, use a file one size smaller than the reamer so that the fragments of dentinal shavings can be carried away from the root-canal walls. Use in clockwise direction (1/4 turn only), then withdraw.
Safe-End Tip on sizes 06 – 40 K-Files are used to enlarge canal after debridement with a reamer. After reamer, use a file one size smaller than the reamer so that the fragments of dentinal shavings can be carried away from the root-canal walls. Use in clockwise direction (1/4 turn only), then withdraw.
Its peanut-shaped handles provide the utmost in tactile feel with a positive grip. They enable the dentist to negotiate torturous and curved canals easily and effectively. The safety eye can be easily threaded for additional protection.
These highly flexible instruments resist fracture. They can be adapted to curved root canals, while practically eliminating breakage from binding.
Endodontic Instruments stay sharp and cut efficiently time after time because they are made of the finest stainless steel in the world.
Premounted Silicone Stop Saves Time
All our K-Files come with a premounted silicone stop at no additional charge.
Package Contents : 21mm & 25mm K-files (Select the size, and quantitiy from the given options)