High-quality images with low dose - With the flat panel detector, high-quality and detailed Images of the structures of the head and neck can be generated.
Nine Field of views - There are nine sizes for exposure regions with diameters ranging from 40 mm to 170 mm.
Four imaging modes - This is the highest resolution. Exposures are made at one-fourth the size of the detector pixels for the greatest spatial resolution. Ideal for observation of delicate bone structures such.
Simple, accurate positioning - The scout positioning system is easy and accurate. Use the triple beam positioning system for even greater precision.
Sharing image data - Installing i-Dixel software on all intra-clinic computers enables sharing of image data on each linked client computer. Observation of images on non-network computers can be achieved with.
Numerous clinical cases - In our database we have compiled many clinical cases for each indication.
Nine Field of views - There are nine sizes for exposure regions with diameters ranging from 40 mm to 170 mm.
Four imaging modes - This is the highest resolution. Exposures are made at one-fourth the size of the detector pixels for the greatest spatial resolution. Ideal for observation of delicate bone structures such.
Simple, accurate positioning - The scout positioning system is easy and accurate. Use the triple beam positioning system for even greater precision.
Sharing image data - Installing i-Dixel software on all intra-clinic computers enables sharing of image data on each linked client computer. Observation of images on non-network computers can be achieved with.
Numerous clinical cases - In our database we have compiled many clinical cases for each indication.