Features & Benefits:
Includes: GC America ExaMix NDS Vinyl Polysiloxane Impression Material
- Unsurpassed dimensional stability
- Less than 0.2% linear dimensional change after 24 hours
- Allows the lab to pour models up to two weeks after taking impression
- Suitable for multiple pours
- Patented hydrogen scavenger formula
- "Non-gassing" impression can be poured immediately with no danger of bubbles
- Excellent elastic recovery and tear strength
- Impressions can be removed from prepared areas (even from undercuts) without tearing or distortion
- Models can be removed from the impression without breakage or deformation
- Retakes due to distortion and tearing are minimized
- Thixotropic ideal consistency and flow under pressure makes EXAMIX NDS easy to handle and extremely accurate
- Replicates accurate details, even in tight margins and subgingivally
- Wash viscosities will stay in place on teeth until the tray is loaded and the patient occludes
- Non-slumping
- The heavy body and monophase will remain in place while loading both sides of dual arch trays
- The heavy body and monophase stabilize the tray, preventing distortion and rebound
- Great compression pushes the wash material into the sulcus
- 2-3 minutes working time with a snap set
- More time to manipulate and set the material
- Less time in the mouth to reduce distortions
- Virtually tasteless and odorless
- Great patient and user acceptance
- Stable in cold, disinfectant solutions
- Can be easily disinfected by immersion in a glutaraldehyde or spraying with a hard surface disinfectant; rinse impression thoroughly before and after disinfection
Includes: GC America ExaMix NDS Vinyl Polysiloxane Impression Material